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Code a survey

Learn how to code survey responses using different views

Alex Limpaecher avatar
Written by Alex Limpaecher
Updated over a month ago

There are two ways to view and code your survey responses: by participant or by question. Each view offers different advantages for analysis.

Participant view: See all answers from one respondent

To see all of a participant's responses in one place, you can:

  • From the main survey page: Click their name in the leftmost column

  • While viewing a specific question: Click their name above their response

This view helps you:

  • Get a complete picture of an individual's responses

  • Code across multiple answers from the same person

  • Understand patterns in how individuals responded to different questions

Question view: See all answers to one question

To see all responses for a specific question, you can:

  • From the main survey page: Click any text-based answer in the question's column

  • From a participant's response page: Click the question text above any answer

This view helps you:

  • Compare answers across different participants

  • Focus on specific themes within a question

  • Code similar responses together

How to code responses

The coding process is identical whether you're in the participant view or question view, and works the same way as coding a transcript. Once you've chosen your view, follow these steps to code any text-based answer:

Step 1. Highlight the text you want to code

There are 3 ways to highlight text:

  1. Select the square to the left of a paragraph to highlight the entire paragraph

  2. Click a sentence to highlight it

  3. Drag your mouse over any portion of text to highlight a phrase, partial sentence, or multiple sentences

Step 2. Click the code you want to apply

After highlighting, click the code you want to apply or create a new code.

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